Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

NYX cosmetic

hehehe, really i not yen very with product from NYX, because i dont correct tofu why not yen.
efentually of facet price mot make my bag chokes to cry out . hehehe NYX product that first time i buy which is NYX ultra pearls mania (ordinary person UPM's mention). i buy at one of website her really sells a lot of color, but who nioses aboutme only 10 pcs colors ^o^ @35.000 rupiahs

produk NYX lainnya yang ingin kupunyai adalan NYX jumbo eye pencil. cuma dia punya mahal bgt 55rb/buah. mana pengen semua warna. hiks bikin eke kanker deh.
or gw coba beli 2 buah dulu aja ye. ni penampakannya.

pengen beli lipbalmnya juga sih . strawberry sama cherry ^^

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